Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef, Mrs Rowena Lytton and Mrs Elena Grande

A year in review

This year, our Preps have learnt so many important skills and taken part in so many different experiences and activities. 


We had the Teddy Bear Picnic with our 5/6 buddies, Prep Breakfast, 100 Days of School, Fire Rescue Visits, excursions to Animal Land and Science Works.


They have learnt to read, write, count and play kindly with other students. We are so proud of how far they have all come. 


Our Favourite Prep Memories...

Freya - My favourite thing about Prep was learning to read because now I can read stories. 

Ismail - My favourite thing about prep was learning to write because I got stickers.

Samuel - My favourite was learning how to read because I got so much better at reading. 

Rekik - I liked Prep because we got to go swimming.

Madeline - The best thing about Prep was swimming with my friends. 

Bree - I liked that we got to go to Science Works and do learning.

Lizzy - My favourite thing about Prep was going to Animal Land and having a Grade 6 buddy. 

Grace - I really liked making different things in the classroom and in STEM. 

Thomas - My favourite thing about school this year was going to STEM with Mr L and learning to write amazing stories. 

Abdulaziz - My favourite thing about school was PE and playing soccer with my friends at lunch. 


The Prep team would like to thank you for all your hep and support this year. We wish everyone a safe and happy holidays.