Concert Report

And that's a Wrap!

As I sit here a week later, watching re-runs of the concert with the students, I can genuinely say we should be very proud of what we achieved last Friday. 


First and foremost, I wanted to thank the students for taking it upon themselves to get involved and taking ownership of their items. A lot of the choreography and moves this year were thought up and taught by the students themselves. It warms the cockles of my heart to see students implementing the skills they learned in class and using them in practical ways. I was very impressed with the ideas and creative moments envisioned and brought to life by them. Awesome work!


Trying something new can be daunting and challenging sometimes, especially when it involves getting out of your comfort zone or using a different skill set. This year’s concert was no exception, as I had some pretty big ideas I wanted to implement. I’d like to thank the staff for embracing my vision and giving it a solid go, because what we ended up with was a narrative driven show with some outstanding and creative acts. Your ability to adapt and inject your own personal spin on your items was awesome. Well done.  


I’d like to thank the team behind the scenes, the concert committee who helped keep the show running on the night as well as volunteering their own time over the past couple of months. Mr Lytton, Ms Buffinton, Ms Giliam, Mrs Johnson 3 and Mr G have been superstars and the glue holding me together as I pieced this massive jigsaw together. Thanks to them, we had a ripper program and poster, a concert video published in less than a week, amazing props and a backstage crew that managed to navigate the whole show seamlessly, gets kids on and off the stage and keep it together under pressure so we had a nice snappy and fluid performance. Thanks team!


Also, a special shout out to all the parents and members of the community who took time out of their busy schedules to put together costumes, watch practise runs and to attend the concert. Your effort and support each year is greatly appreciated by us, and most importantly, your children. 


Below you can take a gander of the screenshots I took today of the concert video. It’s definitely worth getting hold a copy of it!


Mr Stamp Out!


P.S. Here's the link to the video ;)