Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane

Dear PVNPS Community


It is the time of the year that we start to wrap up our year and say farewell and also to say thanks to everyone that has made our time at PVNPS successful and a great place to work.

 Saying Goodbye to Teachers 

We would like to say farewell to two of our teachers; 

Ms Monique Herbert who has been here this year on a temporary transfer contract and who is now off to a new school in Donnybrook.

Ms Emmily Stenton, who has also been here just this year, has been successful in picking up a position at Coburg North Primary.

We thank you both for your energy, enthusiasm and camaraderie at PVNPS. 



Mr Stamp and his wife, Kirbi and children, River and Lilah, are relocating to Broken Hill for one year. This is a great opportunity for Mr Stamp as he will be undertaking teaching roles in a country town.

Thank you Mr Stamp for an amazing concert this year - it was one of the best ever!

May you and your family have a fantastic year and enjoy the benefits of having family around.

Choir - Thanks Ms Buffinton
Choir - Thanks Ms Buffinton



We would like to give thanks to Jane Camilleri and Janeitta Panella—our wonderful team in the office—for everything that they do to ensure our school is functioning well. We thank them for helping families and students on a day to day basis, the assistance and support you give to the staff and for always doing it with a smile. 

We do farewell Mrs Panella, as she heads into retirement. We will say our farewell's at our final assembly for the year on Friday 15th December. You, the community, will have an opportunity to see Mrs Panella after the assembly on this day.


Our School Council is OUTSTANDING and I would like to thank our School Council  President Mr Peter Van Buuren for his ongoing support and dedication to Pascoe Vale North and the School Council.  Peter’s attention to doing the very best for our school is obvious and I look forward to what we can further achieve next year.

To all the council members, I thank you for your time, energy and support for a great 2023. I look forward to another year of working together and may it be a more successful one  with lots of working bees, events and fundraisers to further improve our school. 


 To our School Crossing Supervisors; we thank you for ensuring our students get to school safely and for your great relationships with staff, parents and students. 


To everyone that has helped in all different ways; working bees,  bake stalls, concert help,  BBQ’s, fundraising events, attending excursions and camps, helping in our classrooms and just by supporting PVNPS in as many ways as possible. Every little bit matters!

I would like to sincerely thank all of you for your contributions which all make our school such an amazing place. 

This is teamwork and is greatly appreciated.






Next Monday we celebrate our Year 6 Students as we hold a special Graduation ceremony for them at The meadows. We all look forward to this celebration as it marks the end of Primary schooling and into Secondary Education. We will also be farewelling our Year 6 students at the final assembly on Friday 15th December. Year 6 students will also be permitteed to get their PVNPS T.Shirts signed on this day.

Thank you to the Year Six Team of teachers, led by Ms Jones,  for their dedication to Graduation for our students with all the special activities and evening organised. I look forward to a great evening.




Last Tuesday was our final Prep Transition session for our prep students for 2024. It was great that they all got to meet their Year 6 Buddy for the start of the year who will have snack and lunch with them on a daily basis and assist them outside, if they require it. 

Thank you also to the many families that stayed back to ejoy a social picnic on the oval planned by Ms Micallef, the Prep Team Leader.  Thank you to Mr G for organising some activities and music which made the afternoon even better!





A while ago Angus's persuasive writing piece on changing the voting age made it into the school newsletter. Thank you to Angus's teacher Miss Rachel for this as it has kicked off a very fortunate series of events.


It was actually another parent who had read the newsletter and felt that Angus's writing piece must be passed on to Anthony Cianflone. Anthony is the Labor MP for Pascoe Vale. After receiving this email with Angus's writing, Anthony invited Angus into State Parliament.


Anthony was extremely generous with his time, spending an hour with Angus and his dad, Adam. He also took them into both the upper and lower house chambers while parliament was sitting and in action. They then toured the building and Angus got to sit with Anthony and ask him a whole range of questions about politics and state government. Anthony also introduced Angus to Kathleen Matthews-Ward and Ben Carrol (Deputy Premier).


Anthony is going to find the right minister to pass Angus's letter onto (attorney general?).

Angus discussed the 'Green Team' that he and his friends have started at PVNPS. Anthony said to let him know if there was any equipment (gloves, buckets, or tongs etc) that the Green team needed and he would see what he could organise.


Congratulation Angus - and we look forward to your student voice in 2024 to make more things happen for PVNPS!