

Mrs Rowena Lytton

Our students have been working so hard this year and have really showed that they can treat each other with respect. We are so proud of what they have achieved this year!


Remember that if you or your family are experiencing difficulties during the holiday period there is help available.

Kids helpline:

Orange door

and you can call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)


Don't forget,  as part of the 16 Days of Activism, schools from our area have been invited to participate in a poster competition.  Information can be found below. If you would like to enter, students can submit their posters to their classroom teacher or Mrs Lytton by December 12th and they will be emailed to the organisers.



What can you do at home?


Talk to your child about showing respect at all times, even when they are tired and restless. 


Have an amazing, safe break!