Principal's Address

Good Afternoon Moonie Families.
Congratulations Josie Nolan.
Josie competed in the 800 metre race at the South-West Athletics Carnival in Brisbane last week and beat her personal best by 8 seconds. She was the 11th fastest runner at the event. What an amazing achievement.
Lake Moogerah Camp.
Students from our year five and six class joined their peers from The Gums on camp at Lake Moogerah last week. They had a fantastic time engaging in team building activities, water sports, mountain biking, archery and more. Click on the icon below to flick through the images. Don't forget you can save and download pictures.
Tallebudgera Leadership Camp.
Hallie Wormwell is at Tallebudgera this week with other year 6 leaders from our cluster. The children are enjoying some surfing lessons, high ropes challenges and leadership tasks.
Where Are They Now?
In this week's segment, we learn about Kirsty Markham. Click the above link to see what she's been up to. We love to share success stories from our previous students, so if you know of anyone who may like to contribute to this section, please let us know.
This World Teachers’ Day (Friday 27 October) we are thanking and applauding our teachers for their dedication, hard work and positive impact they have on our students and community. We have a wonderful group of highly skilled teachers working in different roles at Moonie SS and we are very grateful for the time and dedication they put in to providing a quality education for our students.
Day For Daniel.
Our school is wearing red for Australia’s largest child safety education and awareness day, Day for Daniel on Friday the 27th of October. It is important for children to learn strategies on seeking, giving or denying consent and providing them with the skills to communicate.
Have a fantastic week.
Warm Regards,
Belinda Elliott.