Senior Classroom News
Grade 5/6 News
The students returned having grown over the holiday and were enthusiastic and excited to share their experiences.
In Religion, the students have started studying a new topic called Creation and Our Responsibility, which is why your student may have come home talking about the Big Bang - not to be confused with the TV show!
Seeing so many parents attend the ERP day in Week 10 last Term was lovely. The students look forward to these days. Thank you for making the time to see your student's work. In this Term's Cross Curriculum, the students have started looking at Democracy in Australia.
Over the last fortnight in English, the Grade 5/ 6 will have written a holiday Recount and an Explanation. We will focus on language variation and change when listening and speaking. In spelling, they will learn the suffix rule for adding 'ing' to a word and the prefixes' un', 'bi' and 'tri' as in university, biannual and triangle. For comprehension, we have been examining, interpreting, analysing and evaluating pieces of text to improve their skills in this area.
In Maths, the students have been exploring units of measurement and will move into looking at shapes. Over the year, I have seen a general improvement in the individual results when completing Speedy Maths.
The students are looking forward to the Anglesea Camp in Week 3. Please remember there will be a parent/student information session on Tuesday at 3 pm in the Gr 5 /6 classroom. I look forward to seeing you there.