IPS Fair - 25th November

Update : Silent Auction donations required.

Update on Book Donations

Thank you for your generous donations so far. Good quality books only please.

Donations will close on the 10th November.


Please can families begin to hang on to any paper shopping bags.  A little closer to the fair we will be asking for paper bags to be used for customers of the book and toy stalls. 


If we have any Baristas and RSA holders - we would love to hear from you.  Your skills are needed for the coffee staff and the bar if you would be willing to volunteer a little time, please contact Cat.


Thanks to Andrea for getting the ball rolling and all the organisation for the fair so far.  Cat will be taking over all things fair, so any queries or questions, Cat is your person!  Thank you Cat.

Silent Auction

Our biennial IPS Fair is on 25th November (from 12pm-5.30pm) - please put this date in your calendars. This is our major fundraiser, and it plays a pivotal role in supporting various academic and extracurricular programs for your children, so there is an expectation that your family will get involved in some way.


Here are some options below;


- the Silent Auction is probably the biggest fundraiser at the Fair. If a business or organisation you have a relationship with has goods or services we can auction off in our Silent Auction, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the Fair Committee (ivanhoeprimaryschoolfair@gmail.com) with a description and value of the donated goods/services, specific conditions and/or dates (note that vouchers should be valid for 6 months from the Fair date), and where applicable, pick-up arrangements

- if you would personally like to donate cash, contact the Fair Committee (ivanhoeprimaryschoolfair@gmail.com). 


Rest assured the funds will be allocated wisely towards ensuring our IPS Fair is a roaring success


- each class at school is running a stall. Put your name down with your Class Rep to help out beforehand and at your stall on the day of the Fair


- each class is also required to do a piece of class art to auction off at the Silent Auction so we need helpers to assist with running this (again, see your Class Rep for more details)

- required donations of


*good quality 2nd hand books (to be left at school in the hallway outside the Staffroom in the main brick building)


*good quality and clean 2nd hand toys (to be left at the School Office). No soft toys please


*good quality and clean 2nd hand bric-a-brac items (to be left at the School Office). 


Examples include crockery, pictures, ornaments, arts & crafts, jewellery, DVDs, vintage records, tools.

We hope that you will take this opportunity to support our school and make a meaningful impact on the lives of our students.


Andrea Thomas

Fair Co-ordinator

Ivanhoe Primary School


IPS Fair : Student Stalls Information

Dear IPS families,


On Saturday 25 November 2023, Ivanhoe Primary School will be holding a school fair. Students at IPS are welcome to organise to have their own stall on the day from 12.00pm to 4.30pm. They may like to have their own individual stall or make a combined stall with other students. Table set up can begin from 11:00am on the fair day and must all be set up by 12.00pm. Information regarding the exact location of student stalls will be posted closer to the event. Stalls can be packed prior to 4.30pm if you wish.


No food items are to be sold at any student stall.


Each stall will have one dedicated stall space of 2m in length at a cost of $20. The school will provide each stall space with chairs and one trestle table - 1.8m in length. Any extra space needed for another table will be at a cost of $10. Students will need to have their own change float and organise their own undercover shelter /gazebo (up to 3m x 3m). It is the student and parent’s responsibility to supply all items required for the stall and to manage the stall on the day. Miss Kelly and Miss McCormick will be available for support on the day.


Please click on the link to register your child/ren's stall https://forms.office.com/r/qrJvGQfbrw

Student stall registrations will close on Friday 5 November at 5.00pm.


Payment and consent for the stall space is to be done via the Compass event, once you have received notification from Miss McCormick.


For further information or any queries please contact:


Miss Kelly - sue.kelly@education.vic.gov.au

Miss McCormick - mollie.mccormick@education.vic.gov.au

Please register your interest with the school office (ivanhoe.ps@education.vic.gov.au) or phone / email Andrea Thomas on 0431 953 720 or andreaabroad@hotmail.com for more details.