From the Principal

Curriculum Day - Monday 6th November - (Students do not attend school)

Working Bee - Saturday  11th November - (1pm - 3pm)

Year 4 Alexandra Adventure Camp 13/11-15/11/2023

School Fair 25th of November

Welcome to Ivanhoe Primary School, 


Ivanhoe Primary is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people in our care. This is a primary focus of our care and decision-making. We work hard to ensure your children, our students, get the very best educational opportunities. 

Please partner with us because we are stronger together.

Year 6 Camp

The Canberra Camp was an amazing opportunity for students to really come to grips with significant parts of the curriculum around government and governance, as well as explore our nation's capital. Here is a fantastic video made by Jina, one of our Year 6 students, who coincidentally role played The Speaker in the House of Representatives in Parliament last week. 


Throughout camp I was consistently amazed by the way the students interacted with each other, their teachers, volunteers and members of the general public. 


Thank you to the Thai Chamber of Commerce for providing an opportunity for every child to attend camp. The Year 6 Canberra Camp is a unique and fabulous experience. 


Special thanks to Jina for sharing her student voice with us though this movie. In this student made movie, look at the faces and expressions in every frame. A picture truly says a thousand words.

2024 Classes

Teachers work on the very complex task of creating classes.  Teachers and education support staff have input into how classes are made up, taking into consideration students telling us who they work well with in the classroom.  That information, along with information from reports etc, ensure classes are inclusive and fair.


We have highly skilled, passionate and professional teachers who care about student learning and wellbeing.  Whilst we understand that parents know their children, we do ask you to trust in our professional expertise.  We therefore cannot take requests for particular teachers, but please rest assured that we all work together so that each and every child gets the best possible placement.

Referendum BBQ result

Thank you to Andrea Thomas and Pete Munt (Parents of Scarlet in Year 3) for organising this fundraiser last weekend. Thank you to the school staff, parents and children who volunteered on the day to make this a success, and to the office staff for managing the post BBQ logistics. The BBQ raised $1,244 (after expenses) which is an absolutely fabulous result. All money raised supports the IPS programs and provides resources that have a positive impact on children’s learning.

FAIR Update


Get the kids active and helping to spread the word - we need postcards delivered around the area over the weekend of the 10th, 11th, 12th November. 

Postcards can be collected from the school office before school or after school on Friday 10th November. 


Our biennial IPS Fair is on 25th of November (from 12pm-5.30pm) - please put this date in your calendars. This is our major fundraiser, and it plays a pivotal role in supporting various academic and extracurricular programs for your children, so there is an expectation that your family will get involved in some way.

Here are some options below;- the Silent Auction is probably the biggest fundraiser at the Fair. If a business or organisation you have a relationship with has goods or services we can auction off in our Silent Auction, we would love to hear from you. 


Please contact the Fair Committee ( with a description and value of the donated goods/services, specific conditions and/or dates (note that vouchers should be valid for 6 months from the Fair date), and where applicable, pick-up arrangements- if you would personally like to donate cash, contact the Fair Committee ( 


Rest assured the funds will be allocated wisely towards ensuring our IPS Fair is a roaring success- each class at school is running a stall. 

Put your name down with your Class Rep to help out beforehand and at your stall on the day of the Fair.

- each class is also required to do a piece of class art to auction off at the Silent Auction so we need helpers to assist with running this (again, see your Class Rep for more details)

- required donations of*good quality 2nd hand books (to be left at school in the hallway outside the Staffroom in the main brick building)

*good quality and clean 2nd hand toys (to be left at the School Office). 

No soft toys please


*good quality and clean 2nd hand bric-a-brac items (to be left at the School Office). Examples include crockery, pictures, ornaments, arts & crafts, jewellery, DVDs, vintage records, tools


We hope that you will take this opportunity to support our school and make a meaningful impact on the lives of our students.


Andrea ThomasFair Co-ordinator

Ivanhoe Primary School


We have a wonderful PFA who work tirelessly behind the scenes to organise events and opportunities for us all to get together. They are a small but dedicated band who need more members. If you're not on board this year but will be a part of the community next year please join us. 


Same applies to Working Bees. We wrack our brains to come up with ideas to get volunteers along but it's the same people who turn up every time. We only have Leo, our handyman for a limited time each week and we pay for a community group to keep our front garden tidy. 


Kids care for things that are cared for. School pride is an important aspect of IPS. Please concider how you can help.


Have a great week.


Mark Kent
