A Word From Leadership

What a JOY!

My work is a blessing! I have the privilege of working at a school where I can practice my faith, encourage teachers to grow and to participate in classroom learning.  

After returning from leave, visiting classrooms and sharing in learning has been a highlight. This is clearly evident in the way that we strive to uphold our Learning Principles.


Learning Principle 1 

We are effective and successful learners when:  

The learning environment is a safe and supportive place to build self, social, emotional and spiritual capacity.  


At Good Shepherd … 

  • we support students to make choices that safe and supportive in the classroom and play spaces, promoting learning in all areas. 
  • we provide a variety of play opportunities during lunch times to support students with the regulation of their bodies.   
  • What’s the Buzz? And other friendship groups help us to learn explicit skills around how to be a good friend who supports others and themselves to learn and grow. 
  • restorative conversations support our growth as individuals in how to solve problems and see another person’s point of view when relationships break down.
  • we know that making mistakes are an important part of learning.  
  • teachers acknowledge that students need to feel safe to learn. 

One way parents can support this Learning Principle is by encouraging their child to be adventurous and see mistakes as vital to learning.

F.A.I.L. = First Attempt In Learning

Staff farewell

Ms. Sarah Shaw has accepted a teaching position at Loretto College, beginning in Term 4. Whilst we know that this is an opportunity for Sarah, she will be missed at Good Shepherd and we thank her for the contribution that she has made to our school. Mrs. Michelle Cobbing has been appointed into the classroom teacher role for Term 4 this year.

Increased absentees and learning interruptions

As a parent community we thank you for keeping your children home when they are unwell. During this term, across a number of our classrooms, we have noticed an increase of unexplained absences and part days.  While there are many valid reasons that children may miss school from time to time, dentist appointments etc. the increase of unexplained absences has an impact on teaching and learning in the school.

If your child is struggling to get to school please reach out to your child's classroom teacher to discuss your child and family needs.

Acknowledging school values

The students who were acknowledged by Mrs. Teakle at assembly this week, for fantastic demonstration the school values of Love, Optimism and Creativity were: 

Audrey, Jasper and Iris.