Specialist Area

The Great Australian Book Swap
This year, we are aiming to raise $180,000 which will allow us to gift 18,000 culturally relevant books to remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities across Australia. Over 50% of the books gifted are by First Nations authors and illustrators which allows kids to see themselves and their culture reflected in the stories, helping to build a sense of connection, belonging and pride.
There is a huge amount of collaboration with people in remote Communities to get books into children's hands, and the feedback from Communities is overwhelmingly positive - that the books are being read and loved by children and their families.
“Having Indigenous content is great because the kids can relate to the stories and feel empowered. This is especially true if the books are from a local author, such as Moli det bigibigi (Molly the Pig by Karen Manbulloo). The kids know the real life Moli, and are so excited to see her story in a book.” - Bridgette Hutchinson, Nurse Supervisor,
Wurli-Wurlinjang Family Partnership Program, Katherine, NT.
Your fundraising efforts help make this connection possible. Literacy is a foundation skill which helps kids navigate the world around them. It is fundamentally a human right.