From the Assistant Principal

Sam Fleming

Good day to you all. Hope my page finds you well. This edition of the Assistant Principal page is actually celebrating amazing work undertaken on weekends. The last two weekends have been busy here at Banyule Primary with our Sausage Sizzle and Bake Sale on Referendum Day and our working bee last weekend. And, both were a resounding success. 


Referendum Day

We would like to extend our gratitude to all that volunteered time at our sausage sizzle and bake sale. Our roster had over 30 families commit to helping set up, cook, serve and pack up and we are very aware some people turned up on the day and helped out also. Thanks need to also go to those that baked and delivered goodies for the day, to those who raided every supermarket this side of the Yarra for sliced bread, to those that harboured sausages in their home fridges until there was space in the ones here at school and to mums, Jamila Rizvi and Chloe Hild, for their face painting expertise.  As shared, the effort paid off with our raising of well over $4000 to contribute to our grounds development. Extra special thanks to Banyule PS mum, Amanda Adderly for coordinating such a successful community event and for the hours and effort put in to do so. 


Working Bee

If getting out of bed early on Referendum Saturday wasn't enough, many of the same faces backed it up last weekend, with garden tools and barrows in hand for our Term 4 working bee. It was also great welcoming lots of new faces along as we tackled the garden beds and play spaces around our oval. Ably guided by Banyule dad and local landscape legend - Matt Wood, we were able to replenish sandpit sand, spruce up garden beds with fresh mulch, take control of the weeds, repair the soccer goal netting and tidy up the oval area. At the end of it, our green-thumbed volunteers' hard-earned appetites were well and truly looked after by Banyule mum Kerry Smith, BBQ chef-extraordinaire.  Thanks to all that were able to come along and lend a hand, the photos below show what we were able to achieve, the staff that volunteered their personal time and especially to Matt Wood for his time and expertise. 


Many hands make light work...

The results...


Two great examples of the benefits of a great school community. We're very lucky.