Education in Faith

Sunday 8th October

 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Gospel- Matthew 21: 33-43

 ‘It was the stone rejected by the builders that became the keystone.’


Even though we have worked hard to overcome our worst traits, we often think nothing good will ever come of them. In such a context we need to hear today’s Gospel, ‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the work of the Lord, a marvel in our eyes.’


The parts of our character we most despise could be the most marvelous moments of amazing grace. Nothing is irredeemable to God; nothing has gone too far or become too entrenched. In the Christian life there is no room for shame, only for repentance and starting over. Looking at things we have thought of as only being problems provides us with the greatest potential for ‘ah-ha’ moments, where the healing and love of Christ enables us to turn our lives around, to demolish all the negative and defeatist self-talk in which we can indulge and rebuild ourselves with Christ, the master builder. 

[Richard Leonard]


Jenni Kilkenny

Education In Faith Leader