Principal's Message

Dear Families,


Welcome back to Term 4, I hope you were able to enjoy some time with your family and if you are a Collingwood supporter, (it hurts me to say this!) congratulations on a magnificent year in football. This term is an extremely exciting and busy term, so please stay abreast of all school events through our newsletter & update.


It’s wonderful to be back after travelling through Japan for the past 3 weeks. We travelled through Tokyo, Osaka & Kyoto, with many highlights along the way. It’s hard to identify just one highlight from the trip, there are just so many wonderful places to visit and experiences to be enjoyed. Mt Fuji is amazing (when you can actually see it!); there are no words to describe the emotions experienced at Hiroshima; Nara is beautiful with the deer roaming free; the architecture, people and history are just amazing! If it’s not on your list of places to visit, put it on there!

Holy Saviour Trivia Night - TOMORROW NIGHT!

Our Holy Saviour Trivia Night is finally here! This is our major fundraiser for the year and is on tomorrow night. It will be a wonderful event with lots of fun games, exciting prizes and of course plenty of trivia! Tickets can still be purchased right up until Saturday afternoon, so be sure to get your tickets and get studying! 

Swimming Program Begins

Our swimming program for 2023 began yesterday for all students in Prep to Year 6. As you are aware, the program has changed slightly this year and will be held over 8 Thursdays. 


Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to assist during the various swim sessions.  All volunteers have been allocated dates and times.  If you are unable to make it to your allocated session/s please contact the office.


The staff at SwimWorld have asked me to remind parents that if you are not one of the rostered parent helpers for the week with a school “Visitor” lanyard, you will not be granted access to the pool. This is in alignment with both the Holy Saviour Child Safe Policy and the SwimWorld Child Safety Policy. I thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Footsteps Dance Company Program

As part of our Performing Arts program, this week began our 10-week dance program with Footsteps Dance Company.  The program has been specifically designed to allow students to practice and perform fundamental movement skills using different body parts. Speaking with staff and students upon my return yesterday, they all seemed to really enjoy our first session this week. I look forward to being involved next week!


At the end of the program, there will be a parent presentation which will coincide with the Family Christmas Picnic on Thursday 7th December.

Google & Facebook Reviews

As we all know, word of mouth is the most important tool for sharing the successes of our school in our local community.  We invite our community to leave a review of Holy Saviour on our Facebook page and on Google. Thank you to the generous families who have already left a review in this space.🙏 

Google Review: 

Facebook Review: 

Enrolments open for 2024 

Enrolments for 2024 are currently open! If you have a younger child who turns 5 before 30 April 2024, please come and see Sherridan or Kerry in the office for an enrolment form. Also, if you know of anyone else in the community with a child the same age, pass on our contact details– we would love to give them a tour of our fabulous school! At Holy Saviour, every other day is Open Day!

Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications

Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2023 starting Year 7 in 2025

The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2023 who will be starting Year 7 in 2025 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).

The timeline of events and dates are as follows:

27th January 2023 – Applications opened for Year 5 students commencing Year 7 in 2025.

18th August 2023 – Applications closed.

20th October 2023 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.

10th November 2023 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.

Parents of Year 5 students in 2023, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.

Final Thoughts...

As we begin our Final Term, our hope is that our students will settle well and will continue to focus and demonstrate progress in their academic and social skills. In the best interests of all our students and school community, our staff want to work closely with our parents and families so please continue to communicate and work with our teachers and leaders. We hope our Year 6 students have a wonderful last term as part of their Primary Education. May it be full of learning, fun and friendship! They have all been exemplary across the year and no doubt will continue to be their best across the term! 



Kind regards,


Steve Evans
