All About Wellbeing

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We are thrilled to continue our partnership with the LifeChanger Foundation into 2024.  LifeChanger school programs focus on prevention by empowering students to champion their own mental health and wellbeing. Tailored programs create a seamless developmental pathway from Year 5 to Year 12, involving students, teachers, school staff and mentors. LifeChanger cultivates safe and inclusive classroom environments, extending support far beyond the classroom.


Next week will be the first of three visits from the Lifechanger Foundation this year, with students from Years 6 to 10 engaging in workshops exploring the values courage, heart, tribe and infinite possibilities.  Other Year levels will be engaged in workshops next term.


The focus for each workshop is described below:


Year 6 - Building Meaningful Relationships and Navigating Friendships

This workshop focuses on exploring the characteristics of strong friendships, that friendships can change and evolve over time, and emphasising the importance of developing effective communication skills. Participants will learn how to form new friendships, navigate online friendships, and understand how different types of friendships can shape their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a deeper understanding of the importance of effective communication in cultivating and maintaining positive relationships with their friends.


Year 8 - Activation and Health

Participants explore their own inner hero and are introduced to LifeChanger's 5 Pillars of Health, Skills, Self, Purpose and Tribe. Participants explore their own inner hero and will gain an understanding of movement, good nutrition, recovery and mindfulness and how this enhances feelings of positive wellbeing and improves overall focus and mental health.


Year 9 - Overcoming Barriers

This workshop is part of a series where students explore concepts such as self-identity, comparison, personal values and beliefs, and the importance of connection. Participants examine the barriers that hinder their personal growth and explore the underlying causes of their tendency to compare themselves with others, learning strategies to shift this mindset. They also explore the importance of building connections and how resilience is crucial to enhancing their self-esteem.


Year 10 - Mentoring

Mentor development empowers senior students to build connection and rapport with younger students participating in the LifeChanger Program, in their school and their community. Workshop focuses on elevating leadership and mentoring skills that assist Year 10 students with supporting younger students on their pathway. Following the initial workshop, year 10 students can choose to ‘opt in’ and be mentors as part of the year 8 workshops later in the year.


For further information about the great work of the LifeChanger Foundation, please explore this link:


Emily Flanigan - Social Worker

Liz Smith - Student Counsellor