Chaplain's Chat

We are now in to the fifth week of Lent, with Easter just around the corner. Waiting for God’s help was the theme for the past week. A Christian understanding of waiting is not a passive mode, but active. We wait on God through prayer and reading the Bible actively looking for what opportunities and insights he reveals. It has been wonderful to watch the Year 8 basket’s fill with donations for their local Neighbourhood House Lent Project as they responded to the Lenten call for charity. Kinder students have been creating Palm leaves in RVE with Mrs McMaster to discover the story of Palm Sunday as Jesus enters Jerusalem as God’s king for the world. This story will flow into our Easter service celebrations next week.
Our most exciting development this past week was the launch of our International Service Tour for 2024. From 21 June to 1 July we will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity in Cambodia to build a house for those in need. This Global Village program is designed for students in Year 9*-12 (*must be 15 years old by 21 June) to provide opportunities for learning service, personal growth and global awareness. Habitat for Humanity’s guiding principle of a “hand up, not a hand out” to help a family matches our desire for students to learn the nuance needed to partner with others, to help without hurting. This amazing opportunity is an outworking of our schools Christian beliefs and values as we seek to partner with others in this cultural exchange to learn as much as we give. It is not too late to receive information about this trip. Please contact me via email if you would like more information.
Green was the theme most recently at “Explorers”, our Secondary Christian Lunch Group, when we celebrated St Patrick’s Day. Students delved into the true story of the well-to-do yet irreligious teenager Patrick who was kidnapped by pirates. During his six years of captivity in Ireland, Patrick surprisingly returned to the faith of his childhood, escaped but later returned to Ireland to introduce his murderous captors to the God of love and mercy. The St Patrick Story was an inspirational lead up to Easter and followed our exploration of Harriet Tubman, the brave African-American, largely responsible for the “Underground Railroad” – the freedom of many of her people. “Explorers” is a group that meets Monday lunchtimes in RC3 with Mrs Smith. “Explorers” is a space for students to investigate the impact of Jesus on our world, from Biblical times to the present day and all Secondary students are welcome to attend.
Is your child looking for an opportunity for fun, faith and friendship these holidays? Life Camps Australia have holiday program opportunities for students in Years 4-6 these Easter holidays. You can explore more on their website or Facebook page.
Rev. Tim Bowles