Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

I have been waiting quite a few weeks now to shout out our wonderful success in NAPLAN 2024 at St Joseph’s Glen Innes! Since 2023, NAPLAN achievement has been measured against 4 Proficiency Standards - Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs additional support. In 2024 our Year 3 and Year 5 students earned stellar achievements against those standards!


Year 3 

READING 89% in Strong and Exceeding

WRITING 89% in Strong and Exceeding

NUMERACY 89% in Strong and Exceeding


Year 5 

READING 93% in Strong and Exceeding

WRITING 78% in Strong and Exceeding

NUMERACY 85% in Strong and Exceeding


These National Assessments prove that our hard work and learning partnerships in the classroom with our team of skilful helpful adults have a powerful impact on literacy and numeracy outcomes for our incredible kids! Well done St Joseph’s Glen Innes children! Check out our FB promotion for more and spread the good news!


Week One next term will be a short school week and a very busy week.

  • There will be NO school on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 July as our teachers continue to improve their knowledge, skills and classroom practice to enhance the academic outcomes and positive well-being of our wonderful kids with two high-value Pupil Free Days.
  • The first day of classes begins on Wednesday 24 July at 9 am. During the morning we will welcome the Catholic Schools NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Conference Message Stick which is touring 1700 km of our Diocese from March until October. Our classes will engage with the theme of NAIDOC week - 'Keep the Fire Burning! Strong in Faith’ and participate in art, craft and cultural activities to welcome and understand the significance of Message Sticks to aboriginal culture.
  • On Thursday 25 July, to continue to enhance and grow our student’s numeracy and mathematics capacity, we welcome a visiting group of experts from the World of Maths who will lead a massive variety of inquiry-based activities and games that will build on the success of our MaST project in our classrooms. There is no charge to families for this incursion.
  • And, as we do every year, we particularly celebrate and thank our wonderful Grandparents for their ongoing love and contribution to our home and school lives with a Liturgy and Morning Tea on Friday 26 July from 10.30 am in the Undercroft. Once again spread the good news and bring your lovely Grandparents and relatives along to this iconic annual service at the school.


We wish Mrs Hogan safe travels for the entire duration of Term 3 as she takes some well-deserved Long Service Leave. In turn, we welcome Mrs Macansh to the Stage 1 classrooms to continue the important learning journey that continues in Mrs Hogan’s absence.


Thank you all for another wonderful term of success and achievement. I am heartened every day by the deep active commitment of our staff and our parents to ensure that our children get the best education we can collectively offer. Remember “Attendance Matters” and by families committing to ensuring their children attend school every day, makes for the type of high-flying achievement I showcased at the outset of this newsletter.


Safe travels for those who are holidaying outside of Glen Innes and we look forward to continuing to work in partnership to make our GOOD school - GREAT from Wednesday 24 July!



 Until next time.


May God go with you.

Geoff McManus
