Who We Are

Prep - Term 1B / 2A 2024

Transdisciplinary Theme 

'Who We Are'

​Central Idea

Our healthy choices can be influenced by others


As an International Baccalaureate world school, authorised to teach the Primary Year’s Programme, we explore six transdisciplinary themes each year. 


An Inquiry into the different people in our lives and community who help to keep us healthy and safe. We consider different ways we stay healthy, such as by brushing our teeth, eating healthy food or going to the dentist. We also explore the different people who ensure we stay safe, such as our families, crossing people, the police, and firemen and women. We have firefighters come and explain to us what to do in a fire and how they can help us. We read stories and reflect on the people who keep us safe in our communities.


The Prep students will continue Show and Tell on Fridays. Each student will be allocated a Friday to bring something related to our Unit of Inquiry. This item could be a book, game or special toy etc.



  • Form
  • Responsibility

Lines of Inquiry

  • The things we can do to keep ourselves healthy and safe.
  • Personal physical and social health
  • The many organizations and people that keep us healthy and safe
  • Identifying dangers in our environment


Action in the PYP is initiated independently by the student as a result of the learning process. Action may be bringing a book or artefact related to the inquiry to school, or student initiated drawings/posters/research. We celebrate our students’ ACTION every day in our classrooms. If you see your children taking independent action at home encourage them to share their action with their class.


Approaches to Learning

  • Social skills - The students obtained an understanding of their responsibility to do the right things in order to promote and maintain safety.
  • Thinking skills - Brainstorming ideas about who is responsible for their safety and about how they can keep themselves safe.
  • Self-Management - The students reflected on their own experiences and how they can contribute to a safe and healthy environment.

Learner Profile of the Month

  • Principled  
  • Balanced

The Prep Team


 Ms Nicole Grant, Mrs Samantha Plumridge and Mrs Tanya Gibbon.

Nicole Grant
Sam Plumridge
Tanya Gibbon
Nicole Grant
Sam Plumridge
Tanya Gibbon