Senior School

Wow, week 8 already! This term has flown by. Year 12 SACs and Year 11 CATs are in full swing and we are pleased with how the students are managing this. This week we have seen the start of Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews which have been valuable for the students to hear feedback on their progress in classes. I know many students have used this opportunity to reflect on their work habits from term 1 and set some new goals to work towards for term 2.
Year 12 Jumpers
The Year 12s received their jumpers in week 6 and started wearing them proudly, despite the heat we had that week! Students were excited to receive their jumpers and many cheered for each other when they were handed out.
At the end of 2023 there was a student competition for the design of the front and back of the jumper. Claire Amato’s design for both the front and back was chosen by the cohort.
The jumpers are a memento of Year 12, the students’ final year of schooling, and can be worn not only as part of the Year 12 uniform, but for many years post school.
Punctuality at school
Punctuality to school and classes is important for all students and in particular VCE. Late arrival can be disruptive to the entire class. Teachers often need to pause their teaching to accommodate students entering, which can impact the flow of instruction and the learning experience for everyone. We kindly ask for your support in emphasising the importance of arriving on time to your child. Encourage them to develop a morning routine that allows for timely departure and arrival at school.
Year 12 Psychology Fun!
The Year 12 Psychology classes this week have learnt how to make a balloon dog! The students are learning about Observation Learning as part of their key knowledge from AOS 2. The students had to pump up their long balloon, then view a video of a professional twisting the balloon to make a dog and then try and replicate what they saw. The students were quite successful with their balloon skills and had a lot of fun whilst making them.
Year 11 Mindfulness
The Year 11 students were fortunate to have a mindfulness session funded by the City of Kingston with a representative from Wildsoul at the end February. Students were taught some breathing techniques and strategies to incorporate into their everyday busy lives, particularly during their VCE journey. We hope these strategies provided can be drawn on throughout their remaining schooling left at MGSC.
Year 12 English
Year 12 students have been taking advantage of an optional early morning class presented by Ms Jess Elloy and Mr Tom Lane. Looks like a 'full-house' early in term 1.
Emma Holman
Director of Senior School
Ilana Parker
Assistant Director of Senior School