College Matters

A message from Detta Gordon
As we near the end of the first term at Mentone Girls' Secondary College, I am delighted to reflect on the remarkable progress we have made in our teaching and learning endeavours.
Our team has worked to ensure that all students receive a comprehensive and engaging learning program. I encourage you to access lesson plans that are readily available for parents and students to access on Compass from 8:30am daily. We encourage parents to take advantage of this resource to stay informed about their child's academic journey and engage in meaningful discussions at home, fostering a collaborative approach to learning.
In our commitment to continuous improvement, we have initiated a Peer Observation program for our staff. This program aims to enhance teacher practice and foster a culture of collegiality, ensuring that we provide the best possible education for our students.
Furthermore, I have engaged with our students to welcome prospective students and their parents from the community for school tours. They have been fully booked, well received and student run. These interactions are vital in showcasing the vibrant learning environment and opportunities available at Mentone Girls' Secondary College. Our tour guides have proven to be energetic, enthusiastic and fantastic ambassadors for the college.
In addition to our community outreach, I have had the pleasure of visiting numerous local primary schools to connect with future students and their families. We eagerly anticipate the upcoming Show & Tell evening early in term 2, where we will have the opportunity to further engage with our community and showcase the wonderful experiences our school has to offer.
As we reflect on the busy start to the year, I am excited about the diverse programs and opportunities that lie ahead in term 2. Together, as a supportive school community, we will continue to strive for excellence in education and empower our students to reach their full potential.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in the education journey of our students.
Detta Gordon
Assistant Principal, Teaching & Learning
2024 Show and Tell Night
MGSC's information night for prospective families - Show and Tell - is on Tuesday 23 April at 7pm in the gym. Many of our students will be involved in the presentations, as they are in our regular college tours. Families with a student looking to join MGSC for Year 7 in 2025 or 2026 - including our existing community - are encourged to attend.
Parkdale Level Crossing Removal update
Works continue around Warrigal Road and Parkdale station for the removal of the level crossings. Families who use these intersections to commute to MGSC should stay infomed by subscribing to updates or see Parkdale LXRP updates
Trains replacing buses Tuesday 16 April and Wednesday 17 April
PTV has advised that buses will replace Frankston Line trains between Cheltenham and Mordialloc stations from first to last service on Tuesday 16 April and Wednesday 17 April.
Students should plan their commute accordingly to not be late for school. Special buses will not be coming to MGSC in the afternoon. Students that use the Frankston line will need to go to Mentone station to catch train replacment buses.
Carol Duggan: Student Engagement & Wellbeing, Senior School
Hayley Dureau: Student Learning Growth, Middle School
Detta Gordon: Teaching and Learning, Junior School