Principal's Message

The weeks have flown by so quickly and we are only four days away from the school holiday break. No doubt there will be family gatherings held over the Easter break and plenty of time for our students to rest and recover. I have just returned from long-service leave and I thank Carol Duggan for stepping into the role of Acting Principal during my absence.
In this short term we have organised many activities for our students. One of these events was the Swimming Carnival which was a great event in terms of promoting house spirit. It was a hot day, but the students were able to take advantage of the weather by participating in the swimming events or making use of the recreational facilities to stay cool.
The Year 7 and Year 9 students have been taking part in the NAPLAN over the past week and despite some small technical issues this has gone well. NAPLAN is one of the data sets that we use to understand the strengths and areas for improvement of our students. By having access to this data, we can differentiate the curriculum to suit our student’s needs.
We have run one of our two Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews (PTSI) for the semester which is a great opportunity for our parents and/or carers to receive feedback about student progress to date. We have one more PTSI session to take place on Wednesday 27 March. This is a time-shift day with online interviews commencing at 1:30pm and finishing at 8pm. Students do not attend school on this day and hopefully they will be able to attend the online interviews with their parents.
School Council
On Tuesday 19 March we said farewell to four School Council members who have finished their term at MGSC. These members are Geri Sumpter (parent member), Dr Helen Forgasz (community member), Candice Prior (student member) and Elloise Prior (student member). I thank them for their contributions to the School Council discussions over their terms of office.
We also swore in two new members to School Council. Fiona Keele (parent member) and Gemma Ong (student member). Congratulations to Fiona and Gemma for nominating for School Council. We still have one student member position available on the School Council. Our office bearers for 2024 are Mark Murray (President), Rachael Angus (Vice-President) and Rosa Ferrari (Treasurer). The other members of Council are Carol Duggan (staff), Linda Brown (Executive Officer) and Bronwyn Weir (Parent).
Best wishes
Linda Brown