Digital Technology

Grade 1/2 have continued to consolidate their knowledge on the difference between hardware and software, as well as learning about the difference between input and output with ICT. 


Students have begun using iPad’s, creating characters in Scratch Jr and adding code to make their characters perform simple movement tasks. 

Students will continue to refine their coding skills, adding increasingly sophisticated code to create a game. 


Grade 3/4 have been finalising their posters promoting safety when online and prevention of cyber bullying. 


Students will be presenting their posters in class, outlining the overarching theme, important aspects of their chosen topic that they wish to highlight, and the meaning behind their designs. 



Grade 5/6 have been completing cyber safety training and investigative work on Grok Academy, aimed to highlight the risks of social media and the importance of protecting our personal information online. 


Students will begin to look closer at hardware by disassembling old computers, identifying the various functions of the processing units and reassembling.