Principal's message



The Stations of the Cross is a prayer that retells and depicts part of Jesus Passion, his suffering and death.


The Stations or Way of the Cross is one of the most traditional and identifiable devotional practices in Christianity, whereby participants are invited to focus their prayer on fourteen stages in Jesus’ passion and death including, in more recent versions, Christ’s resurrection from the dead.


The devotional practice can be traced back to the customs of early Christian pilgrims who visited the various historical sites in Jerusalem that came to be associated with Christ’s suffering and death.  In the spirit of the pilgrims our students will journey through our school yard to pray the Stations of the Cross next week.


For the benefit of those Christians who could not make these demanding pilgrimages of the early Christians local churches produced their own versions of the stations in order to bring the practice closer to home. We invite our parents to join their children and journey the Stations of the Cross or to attend our parish church to pray the Stations depicted in the artworks there.



GOOD FRIDAY 29th March 2024



2.00pm—Stations of the Cross

3.00pm—The Passion of the Lord



9.00am—Stations of the Cross

3.00pm—The Passion of the Lord





Dear Parents,


Stations of the Cross

Next  Wednesday and Thursday, classes will pray the Stations of the Cross in our school yard. The fourteen Indigenous inspired artwork Stations will be spread throughout the school and each class will journey and pray their way through the stations.  


We invite parents to join with their child's class as they pray the Stations of the Cross and remember our Easter story. 


A time table will be shared noting the time each class is praying the stations in order for parents/grandparents to attend.  


Please see the Easter Mass times for our parish in our newsletter. 


Gala Ball

Our Gala ball held on Friday evening was a wonderful evening  for all, the organising committee were delighted with the evening which was a great success on every level. 

Those who enjoyed the live entertainment, food and company are already adding a save the date to their calendar for next year!!!


P&C Day

Our children had a fabulous time with P(project) & C(compassion) day for our Caritas fundraiser.  Our Social Justice leaders helped organise the day and all monies raised are to support Caritas. 


Eucharist Confirmation

Father Nathan has advised us that our 2024 Confirmation/Eucharist celebration will be held at Our Lady's Church on Saturday 25th May at 4 pm with Bishop Shane McKinlay.  


The children in Grade Four who prepared for and received the sacrament of Reconciliation in 2023 will begin preparation for these sacraments next week. 


Welcome Georgia Bettio

We welcome Georgia Bettio to our teaching staff.  Georgia is teaching Grade one and two as Mr. Holmes Brown is on extended leave. Georgia has settled in beautifully to our school and is absolutely enjoying teaching her class.


Congratulations on your Wedding!

We congratulate two staff members whose weddings are occurring in the near future. 

Bianca Vescio marries this Saturday, we wish her all the best for a wonderful day.

Joseph Chatwin marries in the school holidays, we hope his wedding day is also wonderful.


Farewell Tom Allen

We farewell Tom Allen and thank him for all he has contributed to St. Bernard's.


Tom heads back to Melbourne at the end of term.  We are sad to see him leave but Tom's plan was always to return to Melbourne, we were delighted to have him for the time we did and we hope he continues to enjoy his teaching in Melbourne. 


End of term Dates 

Our school term finishes on Holy Thursday 28th March at 2.20 pm and Term Two starts on Monday 15th of April. 


We thank everyone for their support this term and wish all our families a happy and safe holiday. 


Have a great week everyone.


Patricia Boak
