SLR Abseiling Trip

at Katoomba

In Week 8, members of our senior SLR classes travelled to Katoomba, near the Blue Mountains, to participate in an abseiling expedition conducted by a professional Outdoor Recreation Company. 


After the bus trip, the students poured off the bus eagerly, excited to partake in a new experience. The first stop was Echo Point and the amazing view of the Three Sisters. On Thursday morning, the group completed a multi-pitch abseil at Boars Head consisting of 3 abseils from up to 25m. This took approximately 4 hours under the expert guidance of Eagle Rock Adventures instructors and challenged all the students.


A huge thank you to Mr Price, who organised the excursion, and to  Mr McNamara, Miss Harris, and Mr Gaffney for providing the students with this amazing opportunity.



Fiona Harris | PDHPE Teacher