Years 8 Camp & Year 12 Retreat

The first term has continued at a cracking pace, with our Year 8 group attending Camp at Harrietville last week and the Year 12 annual retreat at Green Hills this week. We visited St Christopher’s Cathedral in Canberra and Fr Trenton VanReech kindly welcomed us and also opened the crypt where the late Archbishop Francis Carroll was interred last Thursday. Fr Sean Byrnes and Fr Brad Rafter visited us at Green Hills on the first day. They shared some of their stories and made themselves available for the Sacrament of Confessions after conducting the Second Rite of Reconciliation. The students and staff shared a meal with them and some chat after dinner.


Year 8 Camp Video & Photos


Year 12 Retreat Photos

Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12

We would like to wish everyone a blessed and safe Easter.

Please visit HERE for the Mass/services and Confession times during Holy Week and over Easter.



Kind Regards

Ondre Nejman | Leader of Faith Formation and Mission