
St Patrick's Day & Catholic Schools Week Mass

Thank you to all those who came along to our beautiful mass, morning tea and Open Day this morning. It was so lovely to come together to celebrate this special occasion. 


For more photos, please visit our Facebook Page: 

Project Compassion Update

This week brings us to the Fourth week of Lent. Each class is continuing to raise funds for Caritas through Project Compassion. We are learning how we can do our part to help others who are less fortunate than us during Lent. This week you can read about Memory's story below. 

Each classroom has a Project Compassion money box for children to donate small amounts of money. Each time a class raises $5 they will receive a water drop to display in the office foyer. We are getting a nice collection of water drops on the window now. So far we have managed to raise $235. Please encourage your child to donate some coins into their class money box in the next couple of weeks. 

Parish Mass Hosted by Stage 3 - Saturday 23rd March

Next Saturday, the 23rd March, we will be holding our Parish Mass for this term at 6pm. All families are welcome to come along and join in the mass, hosted by Stage 3. 


The Stage 3 children will be collecting Palm Leaves with Fr Paddy next week to decorate the church, ready for this special mass to begin Holy Week. 


We look forward to seeing you there and to walk with Jesus into Jerusalem waving our palms!

Holy Week Paraliturgy

Classes are beginning to prepare for our Holy Week Paraliturgy. This is a very special event that takes place on Holy Thursday and we follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ during the events leading up to Easter. 


Kinder, Year 1 & Year 2 children will need to bring in a costume to wear for this event. Class teachers will communicate this with parents next week. It is a very simple costume, made from items you will already have around the house. All other children will be given a costume from our school resources if required. 

Easter Timetable at St Joseph's Parish, Junee


Saturday 23rd March: 6pm - Passion (Palm) Sunday - St Joseph's Junee

Sunday 24th March: 8am - Passion (Palm) Sunday - Illabo

Sunday 24th March: 9.30am - Passion Sunday - St Joseph's Junee

Tuesday 26th March: 11am - Mass of the Oils - St Michael's Cathedral, Wagga

Wednesday 27th March: 9am - Mass - Convent Chapel

Thursday 28th March: 11.30am - St Joseph's Holy Week Paraliturgy (see below)

Thursday 28th March: 7pm - Mass of the Last Supper

Friday 29th March: 10am - Stations of the Cross - Grounds of St Joseph's School, Junee

Friday 29th March: 3pm - Passion of the Lord

Saturday 30th March: 7pm - Easter Vigil

Sunday 31th March: 9.30am - Easter Sunday