Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Term 1 Highlights
It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of Term 1! This term has seen us hit the ground running, with lots of exciting things happening in our learning community. Some highlights I wanted to share included:
- Welcoming back our high achievers, including our VCE Dux, to celebrate their success last year, as well as hear their strategies for success as guest speakers in our start up programs
- Our first whole school assembly where our Year 7s were officially welcomed into the school community
- Welcoming our new Year 7 families to the college with our annual information evening and welcome BBQ, which included wonderful entertainment from our music students, as well as current Year 7s sharing their experiences of their first month in high school
- Numerous excursions where students had the opportunity to apply their learning in real life, including visits to the National Gallery, see Physics in action at Luna Park and get out and explore for Outdoor Education
- Students representing their house and college with pride in the Swimming Carnival and division swimming, as well as in interschool sports
- Lots of lunchtime activities with clubs, soccer clinics with Melbourne City FC and lunchtime music concerts.
Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN testing
From Wednesday 13th March to Monday 18th March, all students in Year 7 and 9 completed their NAPLAN assessments together as a group up in E Block. In the lead up to NAPLAN, members of the college Leadership Team spoke with students about the importance of assessments and testing, as well as normalising the concept of testing. In an analogy used by our Learning Specialist of Literacy in these presentations, we shared with students that testing is a normal part of life – from taking a driver’s licence test, through to getting a blood test. We also shared the importance of tests to help us know and understand how best to cater to their needs for Literacy and Numeracy.
Our students wholeheartedly rose to this challenge, being ready to give NAPLAN their best in each and every session. Attendance during NAPLAN was also fantastic, showing that our students understood the importance of attending.
I thank all the students for their participation in NAPLAN, as well as all staff involved in the supervision of NAPLAN sessions to create a calm, focused and supportive environment for our students. I also wish to acknowledge and thank our Assistant Principal Ms Lauren Harvey, and our Learning Specialists for their work in the lead up to NAPLAN to ensure students felt prepared and all the logistics were arranged for such a smooth operation of NAPLAN. I look forward to sharing highlights of our NAPLAN data later this year once available.
Preparing for Term 2
As we finish up this term, I would like to take this opportunity to remind all students, parents and carers of ways that we can ensure we have a positive start to Term 2. As we move into the colder weather months, these holidays are an important time to check uniform items still fit and are in good condition, as well as get to Beleza to purchase any new items needed. It is also the time to check stationery and equipment and do a restock for the upcoming term if needed. Finally and particularly for our senior students, this is an important time to use to finish any tasks from the previous term and do some pre-reading or work for the term ahead. Don’t leave holiday homework to the last minute and make sure you are in communication with your teachers via email if you need any clarification on tasks – don’t leave it until you get back to school!
On behalf of the college community, I wish you all a safe and restful holiday break, and look forward to a great return for Term 2 on Monday 15th April.
Ms Eloise Haynes