Celebration Spot

Honouring and celebrating our student's achievements

Each week we love to celebrate any students who may have participated or achieved great results in any activities.  These can be both from within school or outside of school.


Please feel free to email us at reception@dcs.tas.edu.au with details so we can celebrate together as a community!

Crescendo Choir

On Tuesday  26th March, a number of students at DCS performed in Cresendo Choir with the incredible Van Diemen’s Band and singer/songwriter Mikeangelo (Michael) Simic.


Cresendo Choir sang Eye of the Needle, composed by Paul Jarman, which describes the dangerous journey sailing ships used to take between King Island and the mainland of Australia that saw the demise of hundreds of ships during the great age of migration. They were accompanied by three fiddle players from Van Diemen’s band, including one player who used gut strings!


This was an incredible performance held at the Burnie Arts and Function Centre and an amazing opportunity for our young singers to workshop and perform with professional musicians. They did a wonderful job at representing Devonport Christian School on stage.


They are looking forward to heading to Festival of Voices in July.