Art Workshop with Annabelle Gallon

We are delighted to share the success of the recent Visual Art workshop led by the talented local Perth artist, Annabelle Gallon. The event proved to be both rewarding and enriching for all Year 11 & 12 ATAR and General students who participated.


Throughout the workshop, students engaged in various oil painting studies and sketching exercises under Annabelle Gallon's expert guidance. The atmosphere was vibrant with creativity as students delved into the intricacies of colour theory, painting techniques and artwork design. It was truly inspiring to witness the growth and development of each participant's visual portfolio.

Not only was the workshop educational, but it was also a memorable experience filled with snacks, laughter and camaraderie. Together, students produced some fantastic artwork, showcasing their newfound skills and creativity.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Annabelle Gallon for her invaluable contribution to the success of this event. Her expertise and passion for the arts have undoubtedly left a lasting impression on our students.


We look forward to organising more enriching workshops and events in the future, providing students with opportunities to further explore and expand their artistic horizons.


Jazmin McKechnie

Head of Department (Visual Art)