Urgent!! Catering For Open Day🧁


Helpers and food contributions are urgently required for the Open Day on Wednesday.

PLEASE contact Belinda ASAP if you can help.

0419 482 924



Sweet or Savoury Treats, The Choice is Yours!

Please help make the Mazenod College Open Day a huge success by contributing a plate of food and/or your time in the kitchen.

Open Day is on Wednesday, 27 March.


Food can be delivered to the front office on the day (between school drop-off and lunchtime) and will be placed in the fridge if required.

If you can supply a plate of food or assist the Mazza Mums on the day, 

between 2:00-6:00 pm, please contact Belinda ASAP.

0419 482 924



Belinda Varischetti

Mazza Mums