56 Asombrosos Brillantes

We continue to grow and succeed through the "Power of Yet"

Interschool Sports 

What an amazing Term 1 it has been. All sports have been so much fun. It was great to see students showing their school values and giving it all a go. 

Thanks to parents who came to games to support in different ways, from cheering to refereeing.  Photos have gone up on our 56 Blog - Make sure to comment.



With NAPLAN and the changes made to our timetables during that time a great degree of resilience has been shown by all students, especially our grade 5s. In addition, the learng that has continued via our sexuality education program, 'Talk the Talk', students are demonstrating a great deal of maturing and eagerness to learn about what can be at times an uncomfortable topic for some. The students have definitely shown us that normalising is the way forward. 



Remember that last week will be Cultural Week and will end on Thursday with a whole school assembly. We ask that students come in colourful carnival clothing if possible.


We have a lot happening in Term 2, just to mention a few:

  • Interschool Sports
  • City/Parliament Excursion

We ask you to keep an eye out for Sentral messages.


Literacy has been buzzing with students writing "cartas" to a new Spanish PenPal. Narratives have been published in our Writer's Gifts and persuasives are underway. The topics or students' choose to write about in their persuasive is always quite eye-opening. This term topics have included 'school should only be 3 days', 'eating time needs to be longer' and 'our class should have a class pet'.  Go estudiantes! 


Numeracy has seen students reviewing and segmenting their Place Value understandings, using problem-solving skills to solve multiple-step problems, and identifying unknown quantities in problems involving addition and subtraction.


Carlton Football Club visit

In an exciting event this week, our Grades 5 and 6 students had the privilege of hosting two players from the Carlton AFL Club. Mitch McGovern and Blake Acres visited our school and shared their valuable insights and experiences as professional athletes. 


The players spoke passionately about the importance of discipline in sports, the significance of a balanced diet, and the numerous benefits of physical activity. Our students were thrilled by their visit and left inspired to pursue their own sporting dreams with renewed enthusiasm.