
Four Days to Go!

We have had another successful week at Newlands Primary School. Firstly, I would just like to thank all of the families that gave up their Sunday mornings to help paint, clean, fill the skip and eat Icy Poles with us. It was a fantastic turn out and we look forward to the next one in Term 2. A big thank you to Kristy who also came to school on Saturday to paint the undercoats and set up the day. I still have your whiteboard in my car! The school also had its first School Council, PFA and Parent Teacher Interviews this week. These will continue next week as we move into our Cultural Week celebrating Uruguay. As always, these weeks are 100% taught in Spanish and we end the week with a final day celebration starting at 1:30, where our students share their new learning. Just when you thought that wasn’t enough, we will end the term with our Spanish Fiesta. Luisa has once again gone over above with bands, dance workshops and food vans as a fun way to end the term on a high!



Well done to our 2024 Student Representative Council (SRC). I know they have been patiently waiting for their badges, but they are also very excited about making our great school even better.  Today’s assembly was also a celebration for Ride to School Day. Thank you to all the families and students who helped make their bikes look so cool and congratulations to all the students who took home prizes.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to all the families who have locked in a time on SENTRAL. As previously communicated, families will meet one of their classroom teachers to discuss your child’s start to 2024. All parent teacher interviews will take place in your child’s classroom, except for Lisa’s Wednesday interviews which will take place in the Learning Lab, the room next to the Art Deco inspired entrance or near the Sensory playground. If you need further information or need help booking an interview time, please contact the office.


Specialist Program Change for Term 2


Next term, Newlands will trial splitting specialists over two days.

Term 2 Specialist Timetable


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5































*Please note that the 1/2s and 3/4s have their library session as a part of their Specialist Program and are involved in an Inquiry program once every 6 weeks with the incredible Nerida, as discussed at Parent Information Sessions.




There is a lot of excitement with the Foundation students talking about how they are the best at reading. I sat down with both Melvin and Callum as they showed me the way to read words by sounding out all the letters. They both did a fantastic job in helping me improve my reading. A big thank you from Newlands to all the families whom have been supporting reading at home each night. It makes a massive difference for our students in relation to not only reading progression, but also their enjoyment and confidence.



I have so many questions after reading the 1/2’s student stories! Before the questions, the amount of voice in the student’s writing is clearly evident as is the dedication to onomatopoeias and dialogue. A big shout out to Fevala who’s story was more like the length from War and Peace confidently stressed – Hey Luke, I don’t mess around.

I have so many questions from reading the stories!


Ada – Why did the cousin flip the bed?

Jannik – Where did the 500 monsters come from!?

Greta – Has the cat recovered from its scary ordeal?

Lucy – The superhero made what type of cake and what type of tea were they drinking?


There has been some fantastic learning taking place and I know the students are looking forward to sharing their class stories with their families.



Ines read me her Spanish letter that she had written to her friend. Before reading, Ines told me how much she enjoys learning in Spanish and how much she has learnt. She also said that Clara is the best, but we all know that already! I was completely blown away with Ines’ writing, as she had written three paragraphs talking about her family, her obsession with pandas and jaguars, and her favourite type of music. I can not recommend enough to families to visit the Spanish classrooms, not only for the incredible teaching, but how well the students respond, understand and navigate through Spanish Learning Experiences.



I have the pleasure of working with Scarlett, Dustyn, Adelynn, Marlowe & Adam as we start to get ourselves ready for the Term 2 2025 Foundation tours. I look forward to the five students discussing all the great things about Newlands Primary School to our local community at the start of Term 2.


There have been some fantastic events over the term, here is just a recap of some:

Term 1 Celebrations

  • Book Pack Day – over 40% of Parent Voluntary Contributions
  • Our 2024 Foundation Students are into school life!
  • CyberSafety sessions for our families and students
  • Talk the Talk Parent Information Sessions
  • Welcome Back Picnic
  • Working Bee
  • Parent Information Session
  • Parent Teacher Interviews
  • Ride2School Day
  • Incursions – 3/4 The Superhero in you! Grade 5/6 Road to Respect, 1/2 Happiness Habit & Foundation Team Building
  • State Spectacular has started up!
  • School Photos
  • Interschool Sports

A big happy birthday to Ross! He is looking a fantastic 35 in 2024. We hope you get all the gifts you desire. 


We still have one more great event before the end of the term. We look forward to seeing you there.


Have a great weekend,
