Library Loveliness 

¡Hola desde la biblioteca! I hope our Newlands community is starting to feel settled into 2024. 


 Our new book 'Welcome To Our Library' (pictured above) is now complete! Thanks to students in grades 1-4, it is beautifully illustrated in a collage format, and shows how our library connects to our school values. It is quite delicate so cannot be borrowed. Come in and have a look on a Monday afternoon at pick up time. 

Quick Updates: 

  • Book Club magazine Issue 2 is now out! Please order online via LOOP by this Thursday the 28th of March. 
  • Loan limits have been updated; Preps can now borrow 2 books, Grades 1-2 can borrow 4 books, and grades 3-6 can all borrow 6 books. Loan period is still 2 weeks.

New Books!

Thanks to Aidan, one of our 2024 library leaders, we have a 'New Books' section at the library! Any new additions to our library will go here first, so keep an eye out!


We have lots of new books coming through thanks to our Scholastic rewards from Book Club orders, which means lots of contacting to be done. Thank you to all our volunteers who have been busy covering all our new books!

Shout out: To the future librarians of Newlands!

Firstly I would like to thank the library leaders AND all my extra helpers coming to the library on Mondays and Tuesdays at 11am to help out. These students (and many more not pictured) have been essential to the library always looking beautiful and organised! 

Brock helping to scan books.
Ramona after putting a huge pile of books back on the shelves.
Ezra and Savannah learning how to be librarians!
Brock helping to scan books.
Ramona after putting a huge pile of books back on the shelves.
Ezra and Savannah learning how to be librarians!

Book Donations en Español

Thank you to all the families that have donated libros en Español. We will soon have to expand our Spanish area, how exciting!