From the Principal's desk

It is hard to believe the school holidays are here at the end of this week. I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to the students and staff for making my first term so enjoyable. We are all so lucky to have dedicated staff who care about all the students and their families. I wish all families a happy and relaxing term break. Let's hope the weather is as good as it is going to be this week.
Last Thursday we had a very successful House Athletics Sports Day. All of the students participated in the different events and it was very pleasing to see the number of families who came along to support the students. I would like to say a huge thank you to 'Parents and Friends' for the amazing BBQ lunch.
Events coming up:
Yesterday, Tuesday the 12th of September, the staff have been visiting other schools to complete observations as part of their professional practice. On Friday, for the end of term school will finish at 2:20.
Term 4:
We have a lot of things happening in Term 4. We will start the term with the 3/4 debating final. This will be held before the first assembly on Friday. Both the Year 3/4s and 5/6s will head off to camp. On the 25th of October we have a student free day for the Numurkah Show. The Monday before Melbourne Cup will be an assessment and reporting student free day for staff to prepare students Semester 2 reports. We will also begin our transitions for our 2024 Prep students.
2024 Prep Enrolments
Current families with a child at Numurkah PS who will commence Prep in 2024 are encouraged to pick up an enrolment pack from the office.
If you know of anyone looking to enrol at Numurkah PS for 2024 or still undecided, please encourage them to give the office a call or come in for a chat and a tour of the school.