August Board Meeting Update 

The Board met last Tuesday and began with a devotion led by John Rashed. We reflected on the centrality of Christ in all things, and the weight of the Great Commission as we prioritise and conduct our commitments. 


We shared the many highlights of recent DCC endeavours, including the wonderful musical efforts in the Celebrations of Sound and Song, and the preparation for the Junior School Musical. 


We discussed our recent sustainability survey conducted amongst students and staff. This is part of broader considerations around the environmental policies of DCC and the way in which we responsibly care for His creation. The Board is looking forward to a future education session around sustainability. 


To date the Board has been very encouraged by the good financial management of DCC. For our newer Board members we have upcoming induction sessions in financial governance to maintain this strength.  


We continued our discussions around the need to ensure the ongoing primacy of faith in our curriculum and culture. As a Board, we are united that this is integral to our oversight of DCC’s spiritual legacy and future.


We ask that you continue to uphold these matters in prayer. In particular the Junior School Musical, Finding Nemo Jr next week. Please pray that God would be glorified and much joy would be experienced through the hard work of so many in our community.