Year 5 & 6

This week the students have had a busy week with Mrs Bell, Mrs Girdwood and Ms Ferrier teaching the class. 


Narrative writing has been the focus for the last few weeks and on Thursday the students completed a 'Cold Write'.  The purpose of a cold write is for the students to show their teachers what they already know about writing in that genre and to show their progress.  The topic was - "Locked in the Shopping Centre". Please ask your child what their story was about and their own individual goals. 


In Maths, the students have been working on using BODMAS to solve equations. BODMAS is an acronym to help children to remember the order of operations in calculations. It stands for, 'Brackets, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction. ' "Operations" mean things like add, subtract, multiply, divide, squaring, etc.  But, when you see something like...

7 + (6 × 52 + 3)

... what part should you calculate first? Start at the left and go to the right? Or go from right to left? 

 Warning: Calculate them in the wrong order, and you can get a wrong answer !


Next week, we are celebrating Book Week. Our class have been sharing the short listed books with the whole school. This is a terrific opportunity to practise their oral reading to a larger audience. We look forward to sharing more of the books next week. 
