MLA News

Over the past weeks, the MLA students have been learning about the purpose of advertisement. We have been looking at different types of food packaging and its text and language features. From this, students have researched and planned their own popcorn flavours and created their own packaging. Through creating product packaging, they have learnt how the product name, description, language devices, logo, slogan and colour can be used to influence buyers.
In Maths, students have enjoyed learning about fractions. They have been engaging in hands on learning, interactive learning to show fractions on number lines. In the photos below, students have made the own number line with string and plotted specific fractions on their line.
Students also had the opportunity to draw number lines and plot fractions outside with chalk. These experiences allowed students to collaborate and share their mathematical thinking with their peers. Keep up the amazing learning MLA!
Thank you students and parents for your efforts this term.
The MLA teachers are very proud of your hard work and hope you enjoy your break!