Our Staff

What are we reading?

Are you a dog-ear page folder or fancy bookmarker kinda reader? 

Dog-ear for sure!

What was the last book you read? 

‘Follow the Rabbit Proof Fence’ (for year 8 English!). 

What book will you read next? 

‘Lessons In Chemistry’ 

Self-help books – food for the soul or vomit-worthy? 

Like the idea of them but when it comes to the crunch, I never get passed the first page. 

Can you even be bothered to read anymore now you have a smart phone? Why? 

Yes – my eyesight is not that great and reading off a smartphone is not much fun. There’s also something relaxing about turning pages on a book and the feeling of satisfaction when you get to the end of it. 

Have you read a book more than once? 

Yes – ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ such a beautiful book. 

Did you ever visit a city or place just because you read about it in a book you loved? 

Yes. I read lots of books about Mt Everest and was fascinated by the pull the mountain had on people who were willing to risk their lives to climb it. Although I didn’t make it to Everest, I did hike the Annapurna Circuit and got to experience being in among the towering and majestic Himalayan peaks. 

Audiobooks – love ‘em or loath ‘em? 

Love them for long car trips and when I’m cleaning the house. 

Fiction or non-fiction? 

Mostly fiction but some non-fiction. I enjoy a good autobiography and recently read and loved ‘The Happiest Man on Earth’. I also enjoy stories related to sport or adventure such as ‘Into Thin Air’, ‘Left for Dead’ and ‘Three men in a raft’.

What is your favourite or least favourite genre? 

I’ve never managed to read a science fiction book = least favourite. 

Do schools even need a school library now? 

Yes, yes, yes. 

Book clubs – Fun or Hideous? 

Not for me. 

Big fonts…..are we there yet? (no judgement here…)😉 

Ummm, yes. 

Librarians…..devils in disguise or helpful? 



What's the 1st book you remember reading?

Little Golden Books - remember those!?

What are you reading right now?

Alpine Observer (and writing in it too...)

What was the last book you read?

Jason Akermanis' autobiography






Ever stolen a book? Tell us.....

Yes - but stole it when I was in the army so it doesn't count!

Have you read a book more than once?


Do you enjoy reading for pleasure?

No - not at all! That's why I'm a woodwork teacher!

Biggest library fine you've ever received?

I used to get them all the time at High School!

What was your high school library like?

Good.  We had a computer lab with green-screen computers, micro-fiske and all!

Did you enjoy reading in high school?


Phone/Newspaper/Magazines....What's your morning brekkie read? 

The paper

Is there a book you just couldn't finish?

Teaching for dummies! 🤪

Can you name a book that kept you up all night?

Brian Taylor on the 1990 GF

If you could only take one book to a deserted island?

a "how to get off a deserted island book" 😝

Ever tried to read something in a different language?

Yes - a menu in Berlin.  I wanted a hamburger, but ended up getting sauerkraut! 


What's the first book you remember reading?

Time for Bed by Mem Fox


Have you read a book more than once?

When I was 5 years old I re read the solo book ‘I want earrings’ a ridiculous number of times because I desperately wanted to get my ears pierced. As an adult I’ve re read Jane Austen quite a few times especially Pride and Prejudice and Emma. I’ll also re read series years later when I’ve forgotten the storyline. 

What was the last book you read?

I’ve recently read a few easy reads/single books as a little escape that I can put down. The last one was a rom-com, Love Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood. The last series I’ve read was The Witcher by Andrej Sapkowski. 

Books versus e-books – got an opinion? 

I’ve always preferred reading the hardcopy book, but last year I bought a kindle and I love it. 

Audiobooks – love ‘em or loath ‘em? 

Although I still prefer reading over listening, I’ve really gotten into audio books this year. 

Where/When do you listen to audiobooks?

When I’m cooking or doing housework, walking the dogs or longer trips in the car. I love how productive you can be when listening to an audio book.

Did you enjoy reading in high school? 

I’ve always enjoyed reading, especially YA Fantasy in high school. 

Which version first? Book before movie or movie before book?

I’ll generally read the book first except for The Witcher where I watched season 1 then read the series before watching more. 





Are you a dog-ear page folder or fancy bookmarker kinda reader?

No page folding!  Always a bookmark, even if it’s a post it note or whatever is to hand.

What are you reading right now?

Theroux The Keyhole: Diaries of a Grounded Documentary Maker

What was the last book you read?

A business management text book for Uni!

Books versus e-books – got an opinion?

I like both, although I seem to migrate towards actual books for personal reading.  Possibly as I spend lots of time at work using a screen.

Audiobooks – love ‘em or loath ‘em? 

Love them - podcasts, audio books – great for the hours spent in the car.

Biggest library fine you’ve ever received?

$34!!   I’m really bad at reading books in the time allocated by a library and then I just forget to renew them!!

Fiction or non-fiction?

Non Fiction

Did you enjoy reading in high school? 

Loved it, would always have books in my school bag, often reading more than one at a time.  

Do you ever annotate books?  Scribble? Post-it notes? Highlighters?   

 Yes, quotes, sayings, items of interest – especially in non-fiction books. Most often sticky notes, sometimes highlighter (as long as it’s a book I own!)

Is there a book that that left a lasting impression on you?

  'Of Mice and Men' by John Steinbeck







Lisa was not harmed during this photoshoot but she will also never return to the library.....
Lisa was not harmed during this photoshoot but she will also never return to the library.....


What are you reading right now? 

The Thursday Murder Club

What is the longest book you’ve read? 


Did you ever visit a city or place just because you read about it in a book you loved? 

Does the Lonely Planet count? 😝

What was your high school library like? 

Good library, the librarians were nice (and they didn't terrorize you and cover you in books for a photoshoot...)

What is your favourite or least favourite genre? 

Fave: Sci-fi

Least: fantasy.

Phone/Newspapers/magazines/comics…what’s your morning brekkie read? 

Online news and online newspaper.

What’s your least favourite book? 

Force of Nature (Loved ‘The Dry’ though)

Hardcover or soft? 

Soft cover, easier to hold in the bath!


What are authors, illustrators, and education leaders saying about the importance of school libraries?

Visit https://studentsneedschoollibraries.org.au/wallofsupport/ 



Share a story about how school libraries or staff have had a positive impact on your life.

As part of the Australian School Libraries Day celebration, you have the chance to win one of eight $100 gift vouchers for your nominated school library.


To win, tell us in 100 words or less why you love your school library and the how the staff in the library have helped you. Nominate your favourite school library now.