Community News

From the Pyrenees Shire Council
2023–24 Volunteer Grants
Federal Govt. Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 will be available to assist eligible not-for-profit community organisations support the efforts of their volunteers. Examples of projects include small portable equipment purchases, contributions towards the cost of training volunteers, etc. More information can be found at 2023–24 Volunteer Grants | Community Grants Hub. Application is by Expression of Interest to your relevant Federal Local Member’s office :
- Mallee Region (northern section of Pyrenees) - Mallee EOI Volunteer-Grants_2023-24.pdf – due 7 September 2023.
- Wannon Region (southern section of Pyrenees) - Wannon EOI-Volunteer-Grants-2023-24.pdf – due 15 September 2023.
Pyrenees Shire Council 2023/24 Community Funding Program
Next month will see Council open its 2023/24 Community Funding Program for applications from 08 September 2023. To find out more about this and other community funding opportunities, please visit Our website also contains links to apply online, helpful hints and resources.
And remember…. The ‘Other grants’ page of our website is frequently updated with other third party grant opportunities - It provides links to grants from other organisations and other levels of government.
Looking After your Mental Wellbeing
Join Beaufort and Skipton Health Service and Freya Maberly, qualified Social Worker, for a morning to connect with others and to understand and learn new skills to look after and positively support your mental wellbeing:
- Thursday 24 August, 2023.
- 10am-12pm, with lunch to follow.
- Beaufort Community Bank Complex.
Registrations are essential and places are limited Please see flyer attached.
Youth leadership program
There are still places available for this year’s Western Bulldogs Community Foundation Youth Leadership Program.
Council is seeking 15 young people aged between 14 and 17 years to take part in this free leadership training. If you have identified a young emerging or existing leader in your group, we urge you to chat to them and encourage and support them to register interest.
This year’s program will see young people from around the Shire build an exciting new structure for ongoing youth engagement and leadership in the Shire, leading to the delivery of a local youth strategy.
This is an opportunity to good to be missed in advancing skills and career potential. Young people are encouraged to register their interest online: For more information on the program, or if you need any support, please email our youth services staff at
Remember to stay up to date with information from our Community Development Team by updating your groups details on our community group database. We encourage all groups to keep your contact details up to date with Council, by filling out our Group Contact Details online form (found at or contacting Council on 1300 797 363. If you know of a local group not getting emails alike this one, then please encourage them to update their contact details.