Grade 5/6

Mr Watts and Mr Ward

Writing Day

On Thursday, our students will be partaking in our Term 3 Writing Day. Throughout the past few weeks, students have been creating Historical Recounts that incorporates them researching an event that has occurred in the past and adding, either themselves or a new character into that situation and writing through their eyes. 


On Thursday, we encourage students to come prepared to write and create their recount. We have some exciting topics such as, Titanic, Pompeii, Anne Frank, Thailand Tsunami, Chernobyl and Tutankhamen. Students will have the time to research and plan before Thursday, but we hope our students can have conversations at home to give them a deeper thinking or connection.


Lastly, our students are able to dress up as a feature of their topic. This can coincide with  clothes or prompts they can bring along. Also, they can graze away on the day, so students can bring extra snacks for fuel. 


We are looking forward to our day!


5/6 Afterschool Netball

Last 2 weeks have seen our girls win one and lose one. We are in the final weeks of our schedule with finals approaching quickly. Last week, our team was challenged against a strong BCC team, but we look forward to playing them again in a few weeks time. This Wednesday, we will be versing St Patrick's PS at 4:50. 

Thank you to our huge family support each week, this team and program would not go ahead with out your amazing support!