Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Miss Stephan, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

Special help from Mr Reid, Mrs Harrison and Miss Linda.

We have had another great week in 3/4. We are continuing our focus on information reports, and during literacy we are researching and writing reports on animals, with a particular focus on the text features of an information report, writing in clear paragraphs and using subheadings. We are all learning a lot about different animals (including the teachers!).


In fluid group maths we have continued our focus on multiplicative thinking, while in classroom maths we are looking at data collection and presentation. We are trying to build a profile of the average 3/4 student. Students generated questions to ask each other, and spent a rather noisy session collecting data on their peers. We are now working on putting this data into graphs that we can share with each other to show what the average 3/4 student at BPS is like. 


We are continuing our theme of 'Someone Else's Shoes' for Integrated Studies, and spent last week working on listening with empathy, and communicating clearly. 


We are all very excited that our swimming program starts this week. We will be going each Friday until the end of term, and students will need to come to school in their bathers, with a towel, warm uniform, spare socks and undies, snacks, water, and lunch. Please also bring a plastic bag to put any wet clothes in.


Check out some fabulous work from Luka and Chelsea below: