Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

'It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions'. Pope Francis.

No matter what faith we have or level of faith everyone can be role models of 'good'.


During the final three weeks of Term 3 talk to your children on how they can 'do good' each day. One simple gesture can mean so much to another. It's not about receiving an accolade, but knowing that you made someone else's day better. 


Book Week

I loved seeing the children bounce into school on Monday. Reading is the core to learning!

Well done families for supporting BOOK WEEK. Take a look at DP Tony's page for more photos.


School and External Community Groups/Orgnisations

Why do we join these groups?

As a child I observed what my parents were involved in. Groups such as School Board, Parish Pastoral Council, on rosters for the local Catholic church, Local Cricket Club, P & F, Wine Growers Board, Citrus board etc. As a child I probably didn't have a real sense of the time my mum and dad gave to others as volunteers. Today, I see parents part of many groups including our own school groups.  Why do we join? We join most groups to enjoy helping others and support our children. 

Since my own parents were part of groups, things have changed and we may view some things differently. Many roles we take on do not come with recognition, but we know how we have contributed. We have two groups at St Luke's: Advisory Council and the Community Group. Both groups have different roles but ultimately they exist so families can enjoy promoting the school in a positive way. If you are thinking of how you can be involved in your child's school experience come and ask me. I may have an alternative if you can't make meetings or cannot commit to a regular role. Being part of something doesn't always mean you have to attend meetings.


Staffing News

We congratulate Andrew Sait and Amanda Heard on their engagement. 

Lexi Coomans began on Thursday. She will transition into 3/4 Johnson/Forge as Hannah and Jess begin Maternity Leave. 

We wish Hannah Forge all the best as she begins maternity leave at the end of next week. 

Grace Maher will be on leave from Wednesday until the end of the term. She will be a having a procedure. She is okay.


After School Care

The plan is to have a new provider ready for the beginning of Term 4. A period of transition will hopefully take place at the end of this term. We will keep you updated. Uniting have started ordering things in preparation which is a great sign. In the meantime we thank 'Theircare' who operate out of Congupna Primary. Thanks also to Congupna Primary for looking after us.


School Tours and Enrolments for 2024

Tours continue to be offered most Wednesdays at 12:00pm for prospective enrolments. If you know anyone outside our community please let them know. Some people may have missed our Open Day in May or they may be new to Shepparton. 

Upcoming Tour Dates remaining this term:

6th September, 13th September


Next Meetings at 7:00pm

Community Group Meeting- 5th September

Advisory Group Meeting- 10th October



David Keenan - Principal