From the
From the
Dear Parents / Carers,
Do you love to read? I do! Each day I'm grateful for the gift of reading. I read to learn, to explore new worlds and to enjoy myself. I cannot imagine a life without reading.
The ability to read not only enriches our lives, but also, those around us. Literacy also helps to keep ourselves and others safer and healthier. We can travel to different times and places with a book. We can also travel more safely in life by being able to read road signs, emergency directions, or medication instructions.
Our students have enjoyed a week of celebrations. Australian Children's Book Week will conclude this Friday with the whole school dressing up as our favourite book characters.
One of the most important aspects of school is that the day is organised, timetabled and predictable. Students depend on the structure of the day. They know what happens, and when it will happen each day. They know the main purpose for being in school is to learn and that routines are in place precisely to help them focus on that learning. When students are repeatedly late, these routines are disrupted. Children who are often late have trouble settling in and following routines. They also miss the learning that occurs in the first part of the morning. Lateness can upset their whole morning or even their day, especially if the start of the day, before they came to school, was stressful.
Conversations with students indicate that reasons for lateness include the use of devices late into the night and being tired and needing more sleep. While there are aspects that we cannot control such as unexpected heavy traffic flow, limiting the use of devices and going to bed at a reasonable hour are within our control.
Parents will have noticed that many of our paths are currently closed for repair. This work will conclude in the next two weeks and all trips and hazards will have been eliminated. Several parents have enquired about the cost of these extensive works. These have all been covered by a grant that is in addition to our Student Resource Budget. Earlier in the week new drinking troughs and taps were installed. These are easier to operate and more hygienic. We are committed to ensuring that our students have the best possible learning environment.
The school will be closed on Monday 11 September for a Professional Practice Day. TeamKids will operate on this day and bookings can be made via the link below
Kind regards,
Anne Babich