3/4 Area

Monique Herbert, Rachel Foy, Emily Giliam, Elizabeth Higham, Sarah Castellas, Denise Diamantopoulos, Cansu Cerrah, Nicole Riley, Ruth Chamberlain-Hitchens and Andrew Francis

Discovery Open Day

On Wednesday, September 13 was our Discovery Open Day. Students across the school were able to share what they have learned this term during Discovery Learning. In Term 3, the 3/4 classes explored the timeline of Australian History, the contributions different cultural groups have brought to Australia, and the impact of immigration on the First Nations people. 


The inquiry projects we then completed followed the theme, 'My Place, My Neighbours', highlighting and celebrating our diverse cultural backgrounds as Australians. We were very fortunate to have quite a few parents visit us on the day, who complimented our research skills, the interesting and amazing facts we found, and the different ways we presented our discoveries. Below are extracts of projects completed by our students:


Vietnam by Kimberley 


England by Marlow 

Italy by Wil

Students in 3/4A researched and shared the story of how a member of their family first came to live in Australia. Our class reflects the 2021 Australian Census finding that almost 50% of Australians have a parent who was born overseas. 

Mathematics: 3D Shape City 

In Maths, 3/4 students have been working with 3D shapes, challenging ourselves to identify the number of vertices, edges, and faces of a variety of common and less common 3D shapes. We had fun building a city using only 3D shapes and trying to determine which shapes would make the best buildings.  3/4D's creation is shown below:


Persuasive writing: Advertisements

In Writing sessions, students in Year 3/4 experimented with a variety of persuasive devices when creating advertisements for their own imaginary products, including sports drinks, slime and "The Illness Spray," a product targeting students looking for a bonus day off school!  Below are some advertisements completed by our students:



Big Congratulations to .......

 ....Our Spelling Bee Champions for 2023!!

Thank you for reading this far! We hope that all 3/4 students and their families have an enjoyable and refreshing school holidays.