Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef, Mrs Rowena Lytton and Mrs Elena Grande

Special Person's Afternoon

On Friday 1st of September, the Prep students celebrated Special Person's Afternoon for Father's Day with the special people in their lives. It was lovely to see so many mother's, father's, uncles and grandparents attend and spend time with their children or loved ones. We hope everyone had as much fun as our students did. 


Thank you to everyone who came out.



This week in writing, we wrapped up our unit on information reports and recording facts that we have learnt through informative videos. Prep students learnt the difference between facts and opinions and continued to ensure they were using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in their writing. The Prep teachers are all extremely proud of how hard everyone worked during this unit, and it was fantastic to see so many students engaged in their learning. 



In maths this fortnight we have been revising our understanding of length, mass and capacity. We read the Pamela Allen book 'Alexander's Outing'. Students then worked on the problem "Alexander was walking along and fell into a hole. Can you fill the containers on your table to help Alexander come out? Record how many cups you needed to help Alexander swim out of his hole."

Discovery Open Day

This week, the school opened their classrooms to welcome families in to explore and hear about all the wonderful learning students have been doing in Discovery. This looked different in the Prep area, as we usually work from the Discovery room. It was still a great opportunity for families to engage in learning with their child.

Term 4 Reminder 

Term 4 is a hat term! All students must be wearing hats in term 4, or they will be asked to sit in the shady areas. This is an expectation across the entire school, including staff!