Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane

Dear PVNPS Community,


Dear PVNPS Community,

Three terms down and one more to go.... can you believe it?

This term has been extremely busy with incursions, excursions, athletics, art show, discovery day, spelling competition and much more. I continue to be extremely grateful for my school community: staff, student and families. Our attention to being positive and ensuring we are doing the best in teaching and Learning and Wellbeing at PVNPS is a credit to us all. It is important that we continue to appreciate what we have and not what we don't have - a very important message for us all.


Thank you to your committment to making sure your children are in school uniform on a daily basis - if you are experiencing any hardship with uniform please come and see someone in the office, as we can assist you with some uniform pieces.


Mr Gagliardi has sent out communications about our whole school 'Positive Behaviour Expectations (PBE) Matrix'. These expectations have been discussed with all students and a signed copy is displayed in classrooms. Each week, one PBE is selected as a whole school as the main focus for the week. Teachers will undertake some teaching of this at the start of the week, unpack the vocabulary and students will discuss what this looks like/sounds like and feels like. 

We believe that this whole school approach will continue to support consistency across our school for school behaviours and will be the basis of discussions we have with students when they do not demonstrate acceptable behaviours. It would be great if you could keep the copy of the PBE matrix at home, somewhere visible - maybe on the fridge!


Maths Classes at PVNPS:

I am so impressed with our teaching staff here at PVNPS as we have been trialling a new way of teaching mathematics. This new approach ensures that our students  are challenged and they get into the 'learning pit' at the start of the lesson and have independent time to think about solving the problem themselves. 

I had the privilege to visit the 5/6 classrooms this Monday as the Leadership team undertook a 'learning walk'. The students were learning about fractions, decimals and %.

Teachers were promoting peer learning and provided students with the opportunities to share their strategies before explicitly teaching.      

Library Story time - Thank you to Jess (Singing Teacher) who held a lunchtime storytime session for students this week. It was lots of fun with you and students assisting to act out the story ' Room on a Broom'.

School Mural:

If you have any ideas for our school mural about kindness or our positive school culture, then please write them down or email them to the school. If your children have any ideas, I would love to hear from them as well.




We would like to inform the school community that Ms Ryan has had her second baby just this week. We wish the family only joy and happiness of what a new baby will bring to their growing family.


Happy holiday everyone.

Be safe and see you on the first day back - Monday 2nd October!