
Term 3 Technology
What a term it's been!
Check out all the fun things we have been up to:
We have been exploring 'algorithms'
What is an algorithm you ask? It's a set of instructions, steps, procedures, even a recipe!
We have used Scratch Junior to create algorithms, where our learning of directional language has been extended.
You could even download Scratch Junior at home if you have an iPad or tablet! It's a great educational tool.
Grades 1+2:
This term has been all about Sustainability. We have followed The Design Process to explore what Oatlands Primary School needs to be more sustainable.
Students surveyed their peers to be open to multiple ideas and came up with some great designs. Students documented their learning using a Google Jamboard digital portfolio. This practised to enhance their digital literacy skills.
Grades 3+4:
We began our term exploring 'algorithms'. We looked at more complicated blocks that we could add to our scripts, to enhance the way our characters move. We used repeat blocks, if-then blocks and some students even challenged themselves to use an if-then-else block.
As the term has progressed, we have continued with our topic of 'animals' whilst making connections to The Design Process.
Students have researched, surveyed and come up with new designs for 'needs' of specific animals; zoo animals, endangered animals etc.
We look forward to seeing their prototype designs.
Grades 5+6:
What a term in Grade 5/6!
We started off revising 'coding' - students used the online platform CoSpaces to create algorithms for objects. Students extended their knowledge of specific coding blocks, including if-then else blocks. As an extension, some students took on the challenge to explore the use of 'variables' - these allow for decisions to be make throughout a code.
Following this, students have been able to use this knowledge throughout their Integrated learning in the classroom, where they are presenting their Integrated research using CoSpaces.
To make futher connections to the students classroom Integrated learning, we have continued to explore and use The Design Process.
Students have been able to connect to an Asian country that they have been researching, where they have then delved deeper into what their specific country 'needs' in order to improve. Some students also identified 'problems' faced by these countries and have come up with solutions to solve such issues.
Students have been working on Tinkercad to prototype their designs, where they have received feedback to make future improvements.
We can't wait for what Term 4 will bring in Technology!