Grade Two

Grade Two Term 3 Week 8 2023
The Grade Two students have enjoyed a fantastic first half of Term 3. They have had the opportunity to experience many exciting and wonderful activities. During Week 6, the Oatlands community celebrated Book Week. Students immersed themselves in many fun book week activities such as a book trail, a book week performance called ‘Way Too Cool’ and dressing up in bright and colourful clothing on Friday.
In English we are learning about persuasive writing pieces. During Reader’s Workshops, students have been discovering the importance of strong words, exaggeration and rhetorical questions within a persuasive writing piece. Students have been discovering the author’s point of view and the arguments they use to express their opinion. During Writer’s workshops, students have worked through the writing process to publish a persuasive writing piece about their wonders of the world. The students worked extremely hard on their writing pieces and put them on display for our Preps to observe during our book week showcase.
The Premier's Reading Challenge is finishing up in the next few weeks. Students are encouraged to log all their reading on the PRC website. Login details can be found inside their Take Home Readers. I know the teachers would love to see many Grade Two students receiving a certificate for completing the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
Over the last few weeks in Mathematics, students have been learning to measure volume and capacity, recognise and describe the features of a 3 Dimensional shape and collect data to display using bar graphs. Students have had the opportunity to utilise their ICT skills during mathematics lessons through a variety of Chromebook based activities. In the coming weeks, students will continue to integrate their Chromebook skills into their Mathematics activities. The Grade Two teachers are always impressed with the students’ growth mindsets when presented with a challenging task.
Throughout Integrated Studies lessons recently, the Grade Two students have been learning all about sustainability and the 5 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose and Refuse). Students have conducted research, created posters and Canva presentations to demonstrate their knowledge of the 5R’s and how to be sustainable at home and school. Throughout the term we have also implemented a number of Cyber Safety and Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships activities, as well as celebrating the successes of the Women’s World Cup being played on our shores.
As always, the teachers and education support staff are proud of the effort and attitude the students put into their learning.
Thank you to parents/guardians for your support in supplying your children with a cup, mug or jar to plant our flowers in.
The Grade Two Team