Junior School Council

Junior School Council Update - Week 8, Term 3


After the success of Pyjama Day, the JSC came together and happily celebrated with donuts and popcorn! I was just so overjoyed seeing everybody eat their special treats with big smiles on their faces. Miss Morgan even came in to congratulate everyone! I was ever so lucky to collect all of the coins and count them up! Seeing all the bags of coins and people dressed in their pyjamas, just made my day. Thanks to everybody we were able to help other children in need! I’m just so thrilled to have been a part of this event!


During our JSC meeting Mrs Kenny told us about a special event happening at Oatlands. Mr Kenny had invited us to come to a very special presentation because he wanted to recognise all the work we have been doing and acknowledge the responsibilities we have taken on. On Monday the 14th of August at 11:30am, a member of Parliament named Julian Hill came to our school to present us with a Torres Strait Islander Flag. Everyone was so excited to meet a member of the Parliament! We all watched as the school captains raised the flag slowly to the top. We were even lucky enough to get a photo with Julian Hill!   


Written by Hanya of 5LK


National Pyjama Day in Prep KT


Julian Hill raising the flag with our School Captains

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