Year Seven

As the term comes to a close, our Year Seven students are engaged in a fascinating exploration of author Tim Winton's work, gaining insight into the extensive research authors undertake to write authentically. Their journey began with a thorough study of Winton's novel 'Blueback,' followed by a deep dive into a documentary detailing Tim Winton's research process before crafting his masterpiece.
What's truly satisfying is how they are applying this acquired understanding to the realm of journalism. Students are using their Humanities unit on water scarcity, and implementing this into researching their chosen focus to create compelling and accurate news articles. The culmination of their efforts will be the submission of their own well-researched creative take on a news report.
To cap off their successful term, our students will come together for a celebratory screening of the Australian adaptation of Winton's novel 'Blueback.' It's a wonderful way to recognise their achievements and immerse themselves further in the world of literature and research.
Attached here are some of the exceptional work of our students-
Above website designed and written by Veda Patel
Below website created by Phavaan-
Differences between Australia and America drinking water
Visual Art
As we close off another term, our Year Seven students are wrapping up their introduction to Secondary Visual Art. They are solidifying their newfound knowledge by crafting self-portraits using soft-pastels. They are drawing upon their prior learning while incorporating Elements and Principles of art and drawing inspiration from the artistic style of Albert Namatjira. It's a journey of understanding how artists skillfully manipulate their techniques to develop their unique styles. In these self-portraits, Students are weaving narratives using symbols that represent the people and elements that hold significance in their lives. This allows the audience to unravel the layers of their identity and discover who they truly are. A huge congratulations to all the students for exemplifying what it means to be a risk-taker in the Art studio.
Secondary Art Extension Level Up Exhibition
We are excited to announce that the booking system is open for our community to book their free ticket to the opening night of council run Level Up Exhibition to be held at the Saltwater Community Centre on the evening of Wednesday September 20th. Use the below link to come and support these talented students on their opening night.
Financial Literacy
Over the past four weeks, our Year Seven Students explored the differences between simple and compound interest. They learned how interest is earned or paid on money saved or borrowed, and the impact of time on the growth of their investments or the cost of their debts. They grasped the importance of making informed financial decisions by participating in class discussions, hands-on calculations and engaging financial scenarios.
Moving onto the topics of credit and debit cards, our Year Seven students explored how debit cards deduct funds directly from their bank accounts, helping to manage expenses within their means, while credit cards allow for borrowing money up to a certain limit, with the obligation to repay it later. They gained insights into the advantages and potential pitfalls of these financial tools. They are now well-prepared to make informed decisions about which card type best suits their financial needs and spending habits.
To further enhance their financial literacy, our students explored the fundamental concepts of assets and liabilities. They can now distinguish between assets that contribute positively to their financial well-being and liabilities that may require careful management.
Our students are encouraged to continue exploring the world of finance, asking questions, and seeking opportunities to expand their financial literacy skills. The knowledge gained in this class will undoubtedly serve as a stepping stone towards their future financial success.
Robotics and Coding
Elective students are completing their text-based adventure game assignments. These projects demonstrate students' newly acquired knowledge of coding in Python. They have created programs that respond to user input, make decisions, utilise loops, and tell a story in words and graphics. They have considered design elements to enhance visual appeal and user experience.
Meanwhile, Year Seven Leadership Students have been refurbishing surplus second hand computers. Once refurbished, these computers will be distributed to families who require a computer for home use.
Students have learnt how to sort broken equipment for spare parts, erase the hard drive, install a new operating system and set up a username and password. Students are also working on an advertising and distribution strategy for these devices, creating flyers, posters and digital advertisements. The devices will soon be available upon request from the Wellbeing Hub.
Health and Physical Education
Over the past month, the Year Seven students have been completing our unit of Netball and have been developing offensive and defensive strategies during game play. Over the last two weeks, students have learnt the rules and played in a Round Robin Competition. During Health, Students have been working on a Mental Health Campaign, Students have worked in groups to develop a campaign for a targeted audience. Groups have created varying campaigns using Podcasts, iMovie and Canva.
In Year Seven Science, students have been exploring different simple machines and how they work for their Physics and Forces unit. They have been looking at Newtons Laws of motion and how simple machines make work easier. They have been busy building an understanding of the roles of machines in their daily lives and investigating the six different types of simple machines; lever, inclined ramps, pulley, screw, wedge, and wheel and axle.
Students explored “The Pulley” in depth by carrying out a Practical Investigation where they compared the mechanical advantage of three pulley systems.
The Physics unit has concluded with the students looking at Static electricity and how it effects things around it.
The Year Sevens learnt that an object will either gain or lose electrons to become positively or negatively charged, which can cause an object to be attracted or repelled.
Students went on to investigate how aeroplanes pick up electrons travelling through the air at speed, causing friction, from air resistance and how these are discharged before landing. (The device on a plane is called a wick).