Year One

Dear Parents and Carers,
As we bid farewell to another enriching term, it has been incredible to see how far our Year One students have come. They have truly blossomed as both learners and individuals, and it's been a joy to witness their growth.
Throughout Term Three, our Year One students embarked on a journey filled with engaging experiences that fostered both academic and personal development. Here are some of the highlights that made this term so special:
Book Week Parade:
Our Year One students participated in the Book Week celebration, showcasing their creativity through imaginative costumes. It was a day where literary characters came to life, and our students reveled in the magic of storytelling.
Science Week:
Science Week was a highlight, inspiring our budding scientists to explore the mysteries of the world around them.
In Reading, our learners have been on a captivating exploration of non-fiction texts, which aligns seamlessly with our current inquiry unit centred around living things.
In our reading sessions, the Grade Ones have been immersing themselves in the world of non-fiction literature. They've been actively identifying and analysing non-fiction features, such as headings, subheadings, photographs, captions, and diagrams. This immersion in non-fiction texts allows them to understand how informational books are structured and how to extract valuable information from them.
Additionally, our students have been delving into the concept of the author's purpose. They've been exploring the idea that authors write non-fiction books for various reasons, such as to inform, persuade, or entertain. This understanding not only enhances their reading skills but also deepens their comprehension of the text's intent.
All of these exciting reading activities tie in seamlessly with our current inquiry unit on living things. Through their reading adventures, our Grade Ones have been uncovering fascinating facts about different animals, their habitats, and the diverse world of living organisms.
In Writing, our Year One students have passionately dived into the world of persuasive writing this week, with a specific focus on crafting persuasive letters. Drawing inspiration from the engaging text "I wanna Iguana," they've embarked on a creative journey to persuade their parents to grant their heartfelt wishes for a pet of their choice. Within this genre, students have diligently explored the various writing structures and conventions that make persuasive writing effective.
In their persuasive letters, our young writers have skillfully employed a range of persuasive devices and techniques. They've learned how to present compelling arguments, providing persuasive reasons for their pet choices. This engaging exploration has allowed our Year One students to not only express their creative imaginations but also develop essential writing skills.
In Math, our Year One students have transitioned from division to a new focus on grouping, serving as a crucial bridge to multiplication. They've been actively engaged in creating and understanding groups, linking this concept to repeated addition, a vital precursor to multiplication. Through hands-on activities and problem-solving using open-ended questions within our LED (Launch, Explore, Discuss) teaching model, students have not only gained a concrete understanding of grouping but also honed their critical thinking skills.
Colour Run
Students had a fantastic time celebrating the end of term by participating in the Colour Run! What a great day of fun, getting colourful, and enjoying a unique experience with friends and peers across the school. It was a fantastic way to celebrate the end of term and fundraise with the communities support all at the same time.
End of Term Reminders
Friday 15 September - Term Three ends.
Students are dismissed at 2.40pm across Primary and Secondary campuses for a two-week break. School will resume in Term 4 on Monday 2 October.
Attendance continues to be an important school-wide focus, as it has proven to have a serious impact on your child's academic and social development and achievement. We strongly encourage that students are present on the first day of term three. To add some excitement to returning to school, the Year One students will be participating in a Teddy Bears Picnic during lunchtime on Monday 2 October. All students are encouraged to bring a soft toy of their choosing that they can share their lunch with and introduce to their classmates.
We want to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and partnership in your child's education. Together, we are helping them flourish and thrive.
Wishing you a restful break and a wonderful start to the next term.
Warm regards,
The Year One teaching team